Fight For Freedom T-Shirt - Black

"Andrew Breitbart used to say 'If you can't sell freedom, you suck.' But the left isn't buying because they don't see the value in it. There's a strange and fierce battle going on right now for the soul of this country. One side believes in freedom and the individual and the other believes it knows what' is best for you. At Breitbart, we have faith in the American people and so we choose freedom. But at a time when the very concept of freedom is at stake, there's only one thing we can do: fight for it with the only weapons that can save it....truth and passion."
- Breitbart's Washington Political Editor, Matthew Boyle
- Also available in Navy and Light Blue
- 5.4 oz. 100% Preshrunk Cotton
- Standard Unisex Sizing
- Proudly Made in USA
- Please allow 5-7 business days for processing and delivery.